Sunday, January 29, 2023

January 29

     I got up this morning to an encouraging message on my phone. It brought me tears. We really do not know or understand the impact we have on someone in their time of need. We do need to work on being kind to everyone at all times. People need to know they matter. God puts people in our paths for a reason.

     It was a cold morning for sure. The wind is brutal out there. Ronnie and I went to feed to get it done. All the animals were in their cozy warm spots and only came out to eat. 
     The cats are having to fight for their food because the chickens want to eat cat food. It is crazy to watch them. The cats are running around and the chickens are running around. The cats are terrified of the chickens but the chickens are not terrified of them. M

     The donkeys were in the barn and not looking to come out anytime soon. I cannot blame them. It is cold. And looks to be cold all week. 

     I was able to spend some extra time with Ursula today. She always enjoy that. I enjoy the cuddles also. 

     I spent most of the day writing, so I was able to spend time with Persia, Bubba, and Oreo today also. 

     Later in the day, I went out to feed. It had gotten colder throughout the day. I bundled up and braved the cold. Poor Ronnie had to work all day. 
     I gave the donkey and goats some hay tonight to have them eat more so they could stay warmer. They normally only eat what’s in the pasture and they seem happy with that. They did enjoy the hay though. 

     It was so cold, but all the animals seemed fine. The cats were running around the pasture. They would run around and then hide in a warm spot. 

     The horses wanted some hay. Chief was being extra for sure. He is getting violent with the other horses. He is being awful to them. I hope it stops soon. 

     I saw Bill drinking water from the trough on the other side of the fence. It was funny to watch him do that. 

     I gave the pigs some hay tonight and made sure they had plenty of straw since it is going to be cold all week. They loved it. 

     Word of the day is kindness. Ephesians 4:32

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