Saturday, January 28, 2023

January 28

     I will admit, I was lazy today. Just plain lazy. This last week has been exhausting with stuff at work. Then we had cold weather and the wind and I was over it. I spent most of the day in bed. I was so tired. Ursula loved that. She got to spend most of the day with me. That does not happen often. 

    I did go out and help with feeding my watering this evening. We did all of that a little early tonight. The wind was terrible out this evening. 

     I had checked on the animals a few times during the day, through the window and most of them were lazy today also. It is probably because the weather is fixing to change again and they all know it better than we do. 

     All the animals were fine today. Lazy, but fine. Resting is one thing, being lazy is another. 
     Word of the day is lazy. Proverbs 12:11

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