Monday, January 23, 2023

January 23

     The weather is turning cold. It is January after all, it’s supposed to be cold. I do not like the cold. It stresses me out with all the animals. They can handle it, I know that but I still hate it. It’s supposed to be rainy and snowy tomorrow. I hate it. 
     I got home to feed the animals. I put my coat on and got to feeding and watering. The longer I was out the colder it got. It’s the wind that is so cold. I made it through. The clouds look like snow is coming. 

     The chickens were eating the cat food and Jelly gets so nervous around the chickens. He jumped up on top of the shelf and stayed there until I ran off the chickens from the food bowl.

     Luckily with the cold weather coming in, the cats are staying in the shop. They ran around for a while, but then they went back in the shop. It’s warmer in there than it is out in the open. They are smart. 

      Noma seems to be having more difficulty moving around again. She ate and then went a sat down in the shelter. Mattie was in there with her. 

      I gave the pigs some hay tonight since it was getting cold. All of them but Treat were eating it. Treat snuggled down in the straw to stay warm. I went in and rubbed her belly and she oinked at me. I hope she is okay. I’m sure she was just cold. 

     Alex was affectionate tonight. He hasn’t been affectionate in a while so it was sweet. He was wanting some attention. I gave him some attention. 

      Those fence chickens even in the cold and wind were still roosting on the fence. There refuse to move their roosting spot. 

     Porky was funny tonight. He looked like he was dancing next to the PortAHut. He was hilarious. I have no idea what he was doing. 

      Even with the weather changes, life is good. The animals are all taken care of and they are all good. Everyone is doing fine. Let’s pray they stay that way through the next few weeks. 

      Word of the day is seasons. Isaiah 4:6


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