Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 4

     It’s starting, the full moon is coming and these animals have gone crazy. It happens every month. I know it’s coming just by their craziness. Some people don’t think things are different because of the full moon, but I sure do. 

     The morning started with Ursula running around acting like a nut. She was trying to open cabinets, she was jumping all around the room, and just acting full of energy which she normally does not do. She actually ran out of the bedroom this morning and she never does that. She has always been content with hanging out by herself and only interacting through the door since she does not like the other cats. 

     When I got home from work to feed and water, the sun was going down. I don’t like feeding in the dark since we have a lack of lights, but I do what I have to. 
     The first thing I noticed was a bunch of feathers in the chicken coop with Suzie Q and Edith. They were white and everywhere. Suzie Q was not missing any feathers. It was weird. There was also a rooster stalking their coop. I have not seen that in a while. 

     The next thing I noticed was Carlos was missing. The three goats in the pasture with the donkeys do not separate often. The three of them are usually right there together. It was strange he was not there. I mean, that has happened before and Carlos was with the donkeys. I did see him with the other two later, so I knew he was okay. 

     The horses were where they were supposed to be. The cows were not trying to grab the feed from me like they usually do. Noma and Mattie were fine. The little goats were jumping around like crazy, but that’s not abnormal. Tinkerbelle and Cinderella were fine also. The pigs were normal as well. 
      The chickens were not fine. They kept fighting. The roosters were chasing each other. I look up and one of the chickens has made it on top of one of the shelters with a rooster looking up at her. I’m guessing she got down from there since I did not see her up there again. 

     The cats outside were acting like they were unsettled and all of them were running all over the place. Jelly was even running around acting unusual. 
     The sky was even beautiful but had an edge to it. 

     The moon was getting bigger and brighter tonight. 

     I look over later and the pen with Cracker Jack and the goats, one of the sides of the pen is coming down. Ronnie had to fix that or it would still not have been standing tomorrow. The light has been out and he went to change the bulb, however, one of the animals had turned the switch off, so it was not the light bulb at all. 
     Cracker Jack is not acting like himself at all. I don’t know what is going on with him. I tried to give him attention and he didn’t want it. I tried to feed extra hay to see if he was eating and he only took a couple bites and then walked away. I don’t know what the deal is, but I will keep my eye on him.  

     I go back inside and take a shower and get ready to have dinner and relax for an hour before bed and Ursula runs out again. This time she is cornered by Bubba, but it did not bother her at all. Ronnie started calling for her and she went right to him, so I was able to catch her. And later she mastered getting into the bathroom cabinet. She never does things like that. She is usually just hanging out and sleeping or playing with her toys. 
     Today has been an unusual day here on the farm, but I still have joy while dealing with the things that needed to be dealt with. Do everything with joy, it makes it easier. God gave us joy to use it, so use it. 
The word of the day is joy. Proverbs 17:22

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