Sunday, January 8, 2023

January 8

     Today was more of a lazy day for me. By Sunday, I am exhausted and need to rest before I have to go back to work. I did laundry, caught up on paperwork, worked on a couple of books I’m writing, and relaxed. I need those days sometimes. 
      I did go out and feed a water this evening. Ronnie did the feeding this morning since I slept in. Now that the full moon is gone, some things are back to normal. 
     Ursula slept in her bed with her toys all day long. Every time I came in to check on her, she was in her bed. That is not normal, she is usually on my bed, but she wasn’t trying to run out the door. 

     The cows calmed down enough tonight so Mattie and Noma did not have to fight them for food. That’s a big deal. Those cows have been hard to handle lately. It could have been Ronnie was out there also. 

      Noma almost let me pet her. I did get to pet her some but she was backing up as I did. 

     All the horses ate where they were supposed to and there was no drama there. Thank goodness. I feel so bad when the bigger horses take the smaller horses’ food. 

     I still had a chicken on top of a building. She was not hiding from the roosters well since she was squawking away. They could not get up there, though, so there is that. 

     Cracker Jack did manage to eat some. I think he is tired of fighting for it, so now he doesn’t fight the sheep as much. I fed him out of a scoop tonight to know he got some food. He definitely is not eating as much. 

     The pigs got some spinach with their dinner and they seemed to have approved of that. I liked to give them extra veggies from time to time. 

     I did sit down with a few pigs tonight. Spam was wanting attention, so I gave it to her. Then Darla wanted attention and I gave it to her. Then Gus was jealous and let me know it. I know better than to sit on the ground. He came right up to me demanding kisses and then because he was jealous, he head swiped me. I’m grateful I knew it was coming so all I got was dirt in the eye and not a tusk, I know better. 

      Everyone was fine though and most of the craziness died down. Except maybe the dirt in the eye. 
     Yeller found a new spot to hide in and it was the cutest thing. I did pick him up out of it to cuddle with him. 

     My word of the day is smile. Proverbs 15:13

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