Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16

     As I was leaving for work this morning and I saw all the horses together in a group. That was a big thing. The newer horses have not liked Chief much but now that he is sticking up for himself, he may be a part of the group which makes me happy. 

     Yeller seems to be feeling a little better. He is eating and drinking, but stills seems to not be feeling great. He is mostly staying in the shop, but with the wind and the dirt storms, I cannot say I blame him. He was moving around more today. That’s a good sign. 

     Edith or Suzie Q gave me an egg today. Those two do not do that often anymore. It was a surprise. 

     As I was feeding, I noticed all the donkeys were in the barn staying out of the wind. I love that they are so smart and know exactly where to go when they want some comfort and to get out of the elements of the weather. Of course, when they saw me, they came out of the barn. 

      Tumbleweeds are a real thing around here. I watched Pedro walking right past one as it was moving. It scared him. Good thing he realized he was fine and did not take off.  And he came over and I got to love on him. 

     I saw Squawk came out of the shop for a little while today and she was hiding under the fan. I bet she went back to the shop after that. She was squawking up a storm which is why she is named Squawk. 

     Maggie did better this evening without falling over at all. That’s good. She seemed to feel better tonight. I will take that as a win tonight. 

     I got to pet on the brown horses tonight. They still are not sure about me completely, but they are getting better with me being around. Chief ran Spots off of his food tonight. I’m proud of him for sticking up for himself these days. 

     The fence chickens are still roosting on the fence. I sure wish they would find a better spot, but they like it there. I am guessing they are going to stay there. 

     Ursula got a new scratching post tonight. She is not using it yet, but I bet she will. 

     The day turned out to be a good day. All the animals are as well as can be expected right now. I know it’s in God’s hands and he knows what he is doing with me and with all the animals. I just have to take it one day at a time. 

     Word of the day is still. Psalm 46:10

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