Sunday, January 22, 2023

January 22

     Today was a good day. Ronnie and I did a little relaxing. I got two days in a row. I needed it badly. The weather is turning cooler than it has been in a couple weeks. The chickens are already feeling it. We did not get as many eggs as we had been getting. 
     Ursula ran out of the bedroom this morning. She walked around the couch and then decided to go back to her room. None of the other cats even bothered her which I thought was funny. She has been laying on her blanket since then. 

     Oreo decided he would take Persia’s spot on the couch. She was looking at him with hatred in her eyes as she was in his spot. That’s funny. 

     The more I look at Bubba, the sicker he looks. His hair is turning white and he is skinny. I know his time is limited. It is sad to watch. It breaks my heart. 

     As I was outside, I watched the donkeys out in the pasture just standing there watching me. They eventually came over and wanted some attention. Red had a cactus piece stuck in his nose. I worked for a long time to try to get it out, but he would not let me. 

     Ned wanted attention tonight. He was so cute with all his facial expressions. He knows how to smile and it puts a smile on my face. I sure do love him. 

     Ronnie tried hard to get the cactus off Red also, but Red walked away. 

     I watched Athena and Onyx in the pasture tonight. The donkeys were watching them closely. Both of them should fear for their lives when they are out there. The donkeys did chase them out of the pasture. 

     I do enjoy every moment on the farm. It’s relaxing and peaceful to be out with the animals. We should enjoy every moment in life. 

     Word of the day is enjoying every moment. Matthew 6:34

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