Friday, January 20, 2023

January 20

     I’m exhausted this week. The wind has been bad all week, except yesterday. It’s so hard getting things done in this wind that quite possibly could knock you down. It’s something for sure. The wind is bad because it is so flat there is nothing to stop the wind. 
     I did get to see the animals today. The donkeys were lining up at the fence when I got home. I was able to pet all of them. I don’t see them as often since they are liking being in the pasture more. I went on to feed the other animals. 

      Mattie and Noma both have decided to eat the chicken feed we through over the fence for the chickens. I know they are not starving. We feed them twice a day and they have a hay bale there. At least they share with the chickens. 

     I did find another dozen eggs today and even caught a hen laying. She tried to peck me several times but I decided to leave her alone and let her do our thing. 

     I have decided Yeller’s problem was the cat food. I switched back to their old food and he is out of the shop playing around. I mean, I should have known since the chickens did not even want to eat the other. The chickens are back to eating the cat food again and Yeller is not sick anymore. I learned my lesson. 

     After feeding the pigs, the donkeys were waiting on me to give them more attention, so I did. I sure do love them. I think they like me a little, too. 

     Edith and Suzie Q both gave me eggs today. I could not believe it. 

     I did watch the donkeys heading back to the pasture and they took the goats with them. I hope they came back before it was too dark. 

      I saw Sonny roosting in the barn. It did not last long. He left and went back to his spot. He has not been fully excepted yet by the other chickens. 

     Tinkerbelle cracks me up. She leans on her front legs to eat. She reminds me of me on Friday when I’m exhausted. I do wonder something if he joints are giving out. 

     I saw Cracker Jack looking longingly at Noma and Mattie. I know he misses them. It hurts me but it’s for his safety. 

     I went out to water the pigs and Gus is a needy pig. He wanted kisses and was not leaving until he got his fill of them.

    I have wondered where all the straw goes, the pigs eat it. I watched Treat and Spam eating straw tonight after dinner. 

     Spam has started to get jealous of attention so she will stand there until I give her some attention. She used to hate me and refused to come near me at all. Times have changed. 

     Onyx and Athena have decided Ronnie’s truck is their new play toy. They were all over it this afternoon. I told him he was going to have to check and make sure they are out of there before he leaves in the mornings. 

     The cows were fighting tonight. I had to laugh. They are funny. 

     I had wondered why Ursula was not laying on the bed anymore. Somehow her blue blanket had been covered up by another blanket and she did not like that blanket. I put her blue blanket out again and she was then laying on the bed again. 

     Caring for animals can be tough but it is rewarding.

     Word of the day is caring for animals. 2 Samuel 12:3

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