Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 7

     I got to sleep in this morning. If you only knew how much I needed that. I have been exhausted. Sleeping in did help that some. It started my morning off right. 
     I had some kids out today doing community service. I hate to say this, but it was a blessing for me and they worked hard. There were so many thing being accomplished today. The sheep pen was cleaned out, the donkey shelter was cleaned out, the backyard was cleaned out, and the pig pen was cleaned out. There were limbs picked up. Animals were loved on and cared for. The kids watered the animals and one of them stayed to feed tonight. That is a lot in one day. One of the adults who brought a kid stayed and helped out. The other one fixed a gate for us that was on its last leg. These are blessings for me. It encourages me to continue. Both of the kids were mad they had to be here, but they were both smiling at the end. Even though it was punishment, they still had some good moments. They learned teamwork really does work and things get accomplished better if you work together and that’s what they did. We were outside all day. One of them put in 5 hours, the other put in 7. I’m telling you now, I’m exhausted. 

     As all this was going on, I called my friend who helps out with our business and her and her son came out also. It was good to see them. They were able to hang out with all of us for a couple hours. It was a good day, but I’m ready for bed. 

     I did notice a few of the animals not eating. Well, actually several of them. I do wonder if that has to do with the full moon. I’m curious to see if they start eating again like normal in the next few days. If they don’t, I’m going to be concerned about a lot of them. 

     Another weird thing I noticed today was the majority of the chickens were in the goat pen and shelter all day long. I have not seen them do this too often, but they did do it last weekend also. They may do it every day and I don’t see it. 

     The word of the day is encouragement. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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