Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 17

     It was another beautiful morning and I got to see the horses by the fence before I left for work. That always makes me happy. I like to think they know that but I’m sure it was a coincidence because they are not always out there. 

     Ursula usually loves on me while I’m trying to get ready. Sometimes it is impossible to ignore her. She will sit in the sink and she will paw my makeup off the counter to make sure I know she is there. She just wants my attention. I know that. At least she is cute. 

     I had a long day at work but Ronnie was home to help me feed and water tonight. It was a beautiful evening. It even sprinkled a little rain. We need it badly out here. 

     Edith or Suzie Q gave me another egg today. That’s two in two days. That’s a good thing. They don’t do it often so they might be showing off now. 

     Yeller seemed better again today. I still don’t think he is feeling too good, but he is better. 

     Jelly has started leaving more during the day since the weather has been warmer. He is still coming home at night so that’s good. With barn cats, I never know when my last day with them will be. Sometimes they take off and I never see them again. It breaks my heart every time. 

     I did notice Onyx and Yeller eating out of the same bowl which makes me laugh since there are four food bowl and all of them had food in it. They chose to share instead of eating out of their own bowl. 

     Ronnie tried feeding the horses treats and of course Chief and Jeb loved it, but the other three were not willing to try, so they went to eat the hay. They will learn one of these days. 

     All the other animals are doing fine. I try to make sure my favorite rooster gets food. He is more timid than the other chickens and gets run off the food more often than not, but the cows shared with him today, so that’s good. No one else had any other issues. The horses have learned not to mess with Chief and have not bothered him for his food anymore. 

     I believe seeing the beauty all around us is a gift to us from God. I feel like seeing it and appreciating it daily makes life a little easier. Look around you and see the beauty. 

     Word of the day is beauty. Ecclesiastes 3:11

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