Friday, January 27, 2023

January 27

     Another cold morning. It was 25 again this morning. It warmed up to about 60 degrees. That’s not terrible. The animals like when it’s not too bad out. I have a feeling the summer is going to be brutal if we do not get any rain. 
     All the animals seemed to be in a good mood tonight. No one was fighting and they were all where they were supposed to be. That’s a good day in my book. 
     The cows and donkeys have a new hay bale but the cows were eating on the last of the old one. In my mind I thought waste not want not. They are pretty good about eating everything they have. 

     Sonny is now chasing the other roosters, so the tables have turned in a day. I did laugh about it. He is also chasing hens now. That may never change. 

     Cracker Jack is eating more, but I’m wondering if his teeth are bothering him. He still is not eating like he normally does. He gets tired of fighting the sheep for food. I know that is an issue. 

     The sheep are so cute. I know I have said that before but they are. They like to jump up on me like a dog. They do remind me of dogs a little bit. They are fun to be around. 

     The pigs were all wagging their tails tonight as they ate. They usually do that but it still warms my heart. I hung out with them some tonight. Darla and Gus are the two who fight for dominance. Both of them wanted my attention but that’s normal. I wanted to pet Bacon Bit but I ended up chasing her around. When I gave up and stoped, Gus was right behind me so there was the mystery of why she did not want my attention. Gus can be a bully. 

     I was watching Athena and Onyx. Both of them are still so small to be a year old. Athena’s stitches did come out finally but Onyx still has hers. I may have to clip it. It’s been long enough.

     Yeller is back to his normal self. He was running around and chasing Onyx earlier, so that is a good thing. I was concerned about him. 

     Athena knows she drives the donkeys crazy, so she sat right by the fence out of their reach and stretched and played in the dirt just to get on their nerves. It was truly a funny sight. 

     Mattie was chasing Jelly across the pasture and then he switched to Onyx. I’m glad he did not catch either of them. 

     Noma is not herself. She ate and went into the shelter on her own so she could rest. When she sees Mattie, her ears go back and she looks annoyed. She is ready for him to leave her alone. As she was laying down, she let me get close to her, not close enough to pet her, but it’s progress. 

     Chief is still the top horse in the pasture and the rest of them still do not mess with him. I’m glad for him. He deserves that.

     Takua is a smart horse. Ronnie had left half a bale of alfalfa sitting on the ground just out of their reach. He stood there looking at it, I happened to see what he was doing and I gave each of the horses a fleck of hay. They appreciated it. I threw it all out one at a time so each would get to eat theirs. They are smart. 

     Mattie was wild tonight running around in the cool night air. He got all the animals riled up and they started running around in the pens. It was funny to watch them. They were crazy. 

     The chickens still roost on the fence which drives me crazy for some reason or another. I do not feel it is a good spot for them, but they seem happy with it. 

     As I was headed inside to go shower and get me something to eat, I heard coyotes. They sounded close. I prayed over the farm and the animals right then and there. I believe in the power of prayer. I know God will protect this place. 

     Word of the day is prayer. John 15:7

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