Thursday, January 19, 2023

January 19

     Today was not a windy day and the temperature was not terrible. West Texas wind is the worst wind I have ever seen. Luckily today was not bad. 
     Eggs are a gold mine these days. We had not been getting too many eggs because of the weather. Today I ended up finding a baker’s dozen. That felt like I hit the jackpot. There are some people at work needing some eggs, so I’m glad the chickens were laying more today. 
     Yeller is definitely better. I do feel now that him not feeling well had something to do with a different food, that he did not like and the wind/dust storms we have been having lately. He was out of the shop this evening and I haven’t seen that all week. He must be feeling better. 

     I have noticed lately that all the male pigs are showing tusks. They have all been fixed but they are also around 3 years old, so I guess now is the time to be showing them. Russ really has some tusks now. He is the least friendly of all the pigs, but I was able to pet him tonight. 

     Cracker Jack has been in a pen for a while now. I really noticed today he has been losing some weight. That’s not a bad thing for him. The vet has told us several times he needed a diet. He is looking good. 

     Looks like Noma has finally decided to wean Mattie. I haven’t seen him nurse in a week and she does get aggressive with him when he gets too close to her now. That’s a good thing also. He needed to be weaned. He is almost a year old. We will get him fixed once he hits that year mark and then he will go to the pasture with the big boys. 

     Noma had taken a liking to Waldo. She stands at the fence with him quite often. It’s sweet. Maybe once Mattie goes to the other pasture, the little goats can get out of their pen for a while. They seem to like it in there though. Whenever they do get out, they go right back in. It’s their spot and they know it. 

     Chief finally showed Takua who was boss and he was able to eat all of his food again tonight. He made such an impression on the mares, they left the hay bale when he went over. They did come back and I was able to witness all five horses eating together. I assure you, that is a first. It’s progress though. 

     After all of that, I went to take the trash out. I looked over at one of our bushes in the front and saw an egg laying beside it. I went to investigate and saw another in the bush. They I look a little further and saw nineteen more for a total of twenty-one eggs. I water tested them all and they were all still good. That’s a lot of eggs for one day. Now if I could just get them to lay in the same spot every day, but not going to happen without locking them up and I’m not going to do that. 

     I have seen a lot of progress today with the animals. It makes me happy they are figuring things out. We all want to see progress in our lives. 

     Word of the day is progress. Philippians 1:6

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