Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 5

     This morning was about the same as yesterday morning. Ursula was going crazy and she ran out of the bedroom. I’m telling you, up until yesterday, she never did that. I wonder if she will stop once the full moon passes. She is such a mess right now. It could be separation anxiety also. I can’t decided which it could be. 
    When I got home to feed the animals, it was nothing but chaos. The chickens were fighting, the dogs were fighting, and the cows were fighting. I had no words and nothing I could do about any of that. They would have to fight it out. 
     My favorite rooster, Sonny has started crowing. He sounds like a sick animal but I know it will pass. I couldn’t believe it when I heard him. Luckily he still likes me at this point. 

     The donkeys and goats were out in the pasture like they normally are there days. I miss seeing them up close to the house, but I know they are happy out here and that’s what matters. They can graze as much as they want to as long as they are happy. 

     Everyone was watching me, waiting for food. They all crack me up. They aren’t too patient with waiting on me. I get feed to them as soon as I possibly can. 

     The moon coming up was a beautiful sight. 

     The sunset was beautiful as usual. It’s so nice to see that beauty every night. 

     Cracker Jack was better tonight. He was trying to be his normal self. He is not fully back to it. I figured out after feeding, he acts irritated with the sheep and looks like he is longing to get out of the pen. One day he can get out, but that day will be when Mattie goes to the big boy pasture so he is not rough with Cracker Jack. 

     I got everyone fed and then I started looking for a missing chicken. I had not seen her in a day or two and she had been sick. I knew her time was limited. I hate this part of it. I did find her little body. It makes me so sad, even if I know it’s coming. 
     I went in the pig pen and hung out with them for a while. Gus saw me and then went back to bed. Since Gus was back in his bed, I was able to love on Brutus. I don’t get to do that much since Gus wants all the attention. He is such a sweet little pig.

     I also got to pet on Bacon Bit. She is just now in the last couple months let me love on her again. She has been mad since we moved. I guess she is getting over it. 

     I also went in and gave Cracker Jack and the sheep some attention. The sheep were so excited, one of them knocked me over. It was funny. Cracker Jack got mad again. 

     I stood out and looked at the moon for a long time since it was so beautiful. 

     You know, I feel brave sometimes and overcoming some of my fears every time I’m out on the farm. God has given us this farm to teach me to be brave and work on some of my fears. It’s working. 
     Word of the day is brave.  2 Timothy 1:7

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