Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12

     It was a chilly but beautiful morning as usual around here. No dust storms on the horizon. Ursula decided she wanted to help me get ready this morning and she sat in the sink. Persia used to do that also. Ronnie had an appointment this morning so the animals were lined up at the fence waiting on him. He went to the dr before feeding them. 

     I got home from work and the donkeys were up by the house to greet me. That was a fun surprise. They have been staying way off in the field so I don’t see them as often. 
    I got to watch Mattie with Pete. I doubt they know they are brothers but they were getting to see each other over the fence. Mattie will be over there before long with them so that was good. 

     Yeller acted like he was not feeling too well today so I made sure to cuddle with him for a while. 

     The eggs are laying in crazy places and Daisy wanted to fight me to get to those eggs. She likes to eat them raw. 

     I got to play with the pigs for a bit while giving them water. I love them so much. 
     I also watched the cows bend in a fence so they could get the hay out of the sheep and Cracker Jack pen. Ronnie was not real happy when he had to come home and fix the fence again. It happens though. 

     Not every day can be a glamorous day, but when it isn’t, have hope that tomorrow will be better. God will give us the hope we need. 
     Word of the day is hope. Romans12:12 

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