Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15

     I have been doing stuff around the house today. Laundry, paying bills, catching up on paperwork. I also was able to do some things I enjoy like quilting and writing. I made a baby quilt for someone who is a friend of mine. I know she will love it. I also worked on my new devotional book. I forgot how long it takes to write one of those. 

     I walked out on the porch to look out at the animals and then I did not go back out until it was time to feed. Ronnie fed the animals this morning and went to work and worked all day.

     Maggie is declining fast. Poor girl was walking outside toward the back yard and fell. She got back up and fell again. That time she could not get up so I went over and got her up. She stumbled a bit but then she was able to get to the backyard and she did not fall again. It breaks my heart so much. I need to remember though that she has had a great life and has been with me for a long time. It still hurts. 

     Yeller is not acting like himself either. Ronnie said he was fine earlier so maybe I am seeing something different. He may have been in the wind and was tired. I’m not sure, so we will be keeping an eye on him. 

     Saverine has been taking Chief’s food every evening. She walks over to him and he walks away. I have hated that since it started happening. I wondered when he would fight back. Tonight was the night he fought back. She came toward him and he backed up and started kicking at her and making that noise that says back up. She did back up and walked away. She seemed defeated but she has to learn. She cannot be a bully here. I scratched his neck and told him I was proud of him. He got to eat all of his food tonight. That’s a good thing. 

     Noma let me pet her without any food with me. That’s a huge improvement. She has been doing better lately which I am grateful for. She is trying more lately. Progress is progress. 

     The new horses are tolerating Mattie being by the fence more. That’s progress also. They used to try to lunge at him but they are standing closer to the fence with him right there. It shows they are adjusting more to the other animals around them. This is good. 

     Ursula must like shiny things. She has tried pawing at my necklace and tonight she was doing it with my earrings. She has claws and that hurts. I finally got her to stop and she is cuddled up to me. She is such a sweet girl. 

     Nothing much else went on today. It was a cloudy day but no rain. We need the rain out here badly. We need to pray harder for the rain. This drought has gone on a long time. This summer is going to be brutal if we do not get some rain. We are trusting God to bring us the rain. 
     Word of the day is trust. Psalm 9:10 

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