Friday, January 13, 2023

January 13

     I got off work a little early and met Ronnie in town for some grocery shopping and errand running. When we got home, somehow Alex had lifted the fencing on that same pen enough to go under it and was trapped in the pen. Cracker Jack is terrified of the cows but they all seemed to have made it through the incident. 

     Ronnie had texted me this morning telling me I had missed an egg spot. I sure did. There were over a dozen in a spot I walk by every day. I’m surprised a hen was sitting on them. There were a bunch, but not anymore. With the price of eggs, that’s almost a gold mine.  

     Ronnie handed me some hot dog buns that he was not going to eat and wanted me to give them to Edith and Suzie Q. Well, Athena decided she wanted some bread and went into the coop and ate some. When Suzie Q came walking toward her, she went into the shelter and when Suzie Q left the area, Sthena went back to where she was. Onyx came in a little while later and helped herself. 

     There looked like a fire out in the distance from the house. That is always terrifying. It’s so dry out here and a fire can be catastrophic. 

     The cows and donkeys did get a new hay bale so maybe that will keep them happy for a little while. 

     I’m glad it’s fixing to be the weekend. I’m exhausted. We all need some rest. God wants us to rest, he even rested. Get some rest to ease the fatigue. 
     Word of the day is rest. Mark 6:31. 

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