Wednesday, January 18, 2023

January 18

     The day starts like every day. I get up and get ready and then go to work. Chief and Jeb were eating some hay when I went to my car this morning. They are such beautiful horses. 

     As the day was ending, we had wind out here in west Texas that could nearly knock someone over. It was estimated by the weather service the wind could be between 35-45 miles per hour. That’s insanity. The wind was rough for sure. Where there is wind there is also dust storms. I’m not a fan. 

     I got home and started feeding. It’s harder when there is so much dust and wind. I was exhausted before I got finished. I mean utterly exhausted. The animals are not big fans of the wind either. I got this finished as soon as I could and went inside. It was not fun in the wind. I took care of every one before I went in though. 

     The side door to the shop was opened when I got home so I had to run out quite a few chickens. They all don’t need to be in there. If they do, we need to buy a big building just for the chickens and they won’t be free range anymore. I left the ones in there who are usually in there. Their presences is not too terrifying for the cats and they actually will all eat together. My animals are not judgmental and apparently love each other, regardless of species. 

     Mattie ate the chicken feed again but shared with Sonny and Leroy. That was nice of him. It’s nice they will share with each other. Mattie probably does it because he knows that is not his food. 

     Yeller is still not himself but does seem to be better. He has been staying out of the wind which might have started his whole issue. He has taken residence in a small crate now which is adorable. He did come out and eat with the other cats this evening, so that is a good sign. 

     The donkeys were all in the barn while the wind was blowing so badly but then they all left and went exploring. The goats followed them. 

     I got to love on Ned and Pete while Red and Pedro went their own way tonight. Ned used to not be a very happy donkey but he was all smiles tonight. 

     Pete does this thing when he gets uncomfortable. He lays his head on Ned’s back. He has done that since him and Ned became sure good friends. I had not seen that in a long time, but Pete did it tonight and Ned allowed him to be comforted. 

     I thought we were over Chief being bullied for food, but he will not run Takua off his feed. Takua got quite a bit of his food. I salvaged what I could without getting a hand taken off and gave it back to Chief. He seemed grateful for it. 

     Mattie was also getting to know the goats through the fence. This is a good thing. I have been concerned with him trying to do them in when he has to go over there, which will be sooner rather than later. 

     Ursula has been a crazy cat tonight. She has been literally bouncing off the walls. I just let her and then she came over a cuddle up to me. She is such a mess. 

     In life we all need a little comfort from time to time. God can give us that comfort if we allow him to. Just ask. He will do it for you because he loves us. 

     Word of the day is comfort. Psalm 119:76

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