Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6

    The day started like any other day. The sun came up, I got up, and got ready for work. I went to work and did my job. I left there and went to my second job. From there, I ran those not fun adult errands we all have to run. 
     As I was leaving the bank, I got a text from someone who had been out here before with his kids. He asked me if gelid daughter could do her community service here this weekend. I was shocked. Well, absolutely she can. I had her go ahead and come over and help me tonight. She is a good girl, but I can see the pain inside her. I’m glad she was able to come by tonight and glad she is going to hang out tomorrow. 
     I saw a lady while I was out and about who had also been out here before. She mentioned community service also. I laughed and said, oh well, I have someone coming out tomorrow to do community service. She asked if they could come along. Sure. We will get a lot done tomorrow and I’m happy about this. 
    I got a call tonight from a board member for the nonprofit. Her phone call was so encouraging. She told me about people messaging her for where to get my devotional book and how some of these people did not even know her. I get discouraged sometimes, but I know things are going in the right direction. 
     Y’all, this is what I have been trying to accomplish. This is what God is doing. I have been working on this nonprofit stuff since 2019. It’s finally happening. 
     The word of the day is love. John 13:34 

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