Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 21

     Another windy day here in West Texas. I think the wind has stirred up some allergies or something. I woke up not feeling well today. I stayed in the house most of the day because of that. I did go out to feed the animals in the evening. Ronnie had been out there most of the day. He was working on another pig pen but with his shoulder issues from being injured back in October and me being in the house, he did not get too far with it. It’s okay though, it will be finished eventually. It’s getting cold tonight again as well, so he put extra straw in the pig pens. Looks like all week next week it will be colder. 
     Since I was in the house today, I worked on little projects I am wanting to finish. I worked on two books and even made a few pieces of jewelry for when I have another booth set up. 
     I also was contacted by someone with a home school group wanting to set up a field trip for the kids. I love that idea. We have it set up for a couple weeks from now, so that will be fun. Things are looking good. 
     I have learned, if you do not get the rest you need, your body will decide to make you rest. We need rest sometimes. 
     Word of the day is rest. Mark 6:31

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