Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 3

     The morning was a chilly one, but there was a beautiful sunrise even though it was a chilly. Ronnie got out this morning a zip tied the horses’ feed trough to the fence so we would not have the trouble we have had anymore. It’s light weight so the wind will knock it over or the horses will knock it over again. 
     I got home to feed and not much went on tonight. I did notice Chief was protecting his food bowl. He was determined to not let those other horses take his feed. I had to laugh about that. He looked pitiful. 
     Yeller was watching for me when I got home. He is so cute. I think the older he gets, the cuter he is. He has such a good disposition. I am glad he wondered up here however he did it. He is happy and healthy now. 
     First thing I did was check Onyx and Athena’s incisions to make sure there was no sign of infection. They are both doing well and are pretty much back to normal. I hated seeing Athena not feeling well. She is the life of the party around the farm. She is always into something. She makes life interesting. 

     I had to take the cane out when I fed the animals. The cows have been insane lately. They are running at me when I have feed buckets. I was considering the bruise on my backside the size of Texas and decided I did not want another one, so I took the cane. I don’t use it on them, of course, but they hate it so they don’t bother me when I have it. 
     I ended up not having to hold a bucket for any of the horses, all of them ate where they should have. Well, Chief and Jeb switched bowls but only because of the order I put the food in. By the time the other three were finished, there was no food left and even if there were, Ronnie scared them off since he had gotten home and was watering the horses. 
     Jelly has been staying home more and I had to check on him. He came out to eat when I got home, but I wanted to make sure he was still home. He used to roam most of the day and come home at night, but he has been staying in his hole since I fixed it up for him. I like him staying here. I don’t worry about him as much. 
     There was one bit of a troubling situation, Mattie is still nursing. We have known that. Noma has tried to wean him by kicking and biting at him, but she gives up and let’s him. Today, I saw him going after her to nurse and I started clapping and working on getting him away from her. She looked grateful, he did not. He reached over and tried to bite my boob. I had to laugh at him, and he didn’t get me. If he had, I know I would not be laughing. 
     It was a peaceful evening and I was grateful for it. There was not a lot of drama and everyone was where they were suppose to be. That’s a good day. Peace is a hard thing to come by. I truly feel like God is the only peace we can have in this cruel world we live in. He gave us this small piece of land for us to have our own peace and peace for the animals. I am thankful for it. 
The word of the day is peace. John 16:33 

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