Sunday, January 1, 2023

January 1

     I’m starting the blog a little different this year, I’m going to try 1 post for each day and see how that goes. I’m going to try to show more of what goes on around here, the good, bad and ugly. That’s farm life for sure. Happy New Year!! 
     As I woke up to Ursula running around and knocking my phone off the dresser this morning, I was reminded it was the weekend and I needed to go back to sleep. I was able to sleep a little longer and then she did it again. My best guess is she was ready for me to get up and start the day. She is a hilarious little thing and spoiled. 
     As I got up and around, I decided to hang out and finish a book I was reading. I stayed in the bedroom and gave Ursula some attention. The other animals did not like that at all. The dogs were barking and the other cats were fighting and crying at the door way. All that crying and fighting by the door is unsettling to Ursula and she will stand by the door and stick her paw under the door to get in the fight. That’s hilarious. I can only be in one place at a time. I mean, give me a minute. Ursula is the bedroom cat. She can’t be outside because she cannot take care of herself and she can’t get out of the bedroom because she hates other cats. She is pretty content in the bedroom on her own as long as I do give her some attention. She is a mess actually. 
     Bubba has been sick for a while now and he continues to decline. He is looking skinny and his eyes say he does not feel well. He has been meowing away today, but I know that day is coming. He has been sick for a a few years now but he is still well enough to run and have a good life. We will see what happens from here. His story is not over yet. He is not acting like he is ready to go. 
     We are still dealing with the dreaded worm situation. I guess the cats are getting them because of the flies. As soon as we get rid of the worms, here we go again, so we are treating them with meds. Hopefully this time we will get rid of them for more than a couple weeks. I hate dealing with it and I know they do also. 
     I got up later and did a check of the animals. Cracker Jack is moving around better without a limp. Athena is up moving around and seems to be feeling better after surgery. I had been concerned about her. She was not getting back to normal as fast as Onyx was, but she was better today. It has been a warm day so all of the animals were out in the sun and seemed to be relaxing a bit. 
     I did some things around the house and decided since it was 75 degrees outside, I would bathe all the dogs. The water was freezing so I felt bad for them, but I still have them a bath. I had to do some hair cutting on Pepper and Maggie which they hated and I figured out I needed new clippers. Onyx and Jelly decided it was a good idea to roll around in the hair. I find that hysterical. 
     We had several other animals watching me give them all a bath. It looked like they may have felt sorry for the dogs. I continued doing what I was doing. 
     Maggie was the last one to get a bath. She really is declining. She had difficulty staying standing for any period of time. I know her time is limited also and it breaks my heart for her. She has been with me 13 years just like Bubba. She did get her bath and then she collapsed until she was not so tired. The cats were watching over her when that happened. She did get back up and went in the backyard with the other dogs. 
After all the baths, which took two hours, I went out to feed. Ronnie had to work today, so he was not there to help. All was fine until I got to the horses. We recently acquired three more horses and they are still settling in. Takua does not know where he wants to eat. He was running Chief and Jeb out of their feed until I held a bucket for him to eat out of. He did for a while. I need to find an equine dentist, it seems he is having some difficulty with chewing. 
     As Takua was eating, the cows were trying to get me with their horns to get to the feed. Mattie also came over to see what he could get. Takua got mad and started trying to bite at the cows and Mattie until I dropped the feed bucket. Takua just went back over to eat with the other horses. 
     I got all of the feeding finished and started watering. I was amazed at the sunset. Here in West Texas, we have some of the prettiest sunsets I have seen. I stopped and took a few photos. They are beautiful. 
     There is always something going on around here, but at the end of the day, I am grateful for it all. God has given me so much and even when things get rough, I am grateful for everything he has given me and all (or most) the experiences I am given daily. 
      The word for today is grateful. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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