Thursday, January 26, 2023

January 26

     This morning was a cold 25 degrees. The ground was frosty and cold. It was pretty though. 

     Ronnie was home when I got home, so we both were able to feed quickly. I did not take to many photos today since we got it finished so quickly. 
     The sheep were rather impatient trying to get to their fed. That’s normal but it always makes me laugh. 

     Sonny is getting bullied by the other roosters. That’s normal when the roosters come of age. 

     Chief has really made the other horses a believer. Spots tried to get his feed and he ran her off. The girls then just stood and watched him. I had to laugh. 

     All the cats were home this evening. I like when they are home. 

     Patience in life is important. I know some days are harder than others. 
     Word of the day is patience. Romans 8:25

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