Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2

     Ronnie always feeds in the mornings which I am grateful for since I’m not a good morning person. It gives me a little longer to sleep. It was a foggy morning, but it was a nice morning with the temperature. 
     As I got off work to go to my second job, it looked like something out of an apocalyptic movie. The wind was crazy and the dirt storm was coming. It’s west Texas, the dirt storms are a real thing. They can get nasty with the wind. 
     When I got home, the dirt storm was going strong. The wind continued to be awful. The animals were mostly in the shelters except for the donkeys and goats. They were in the pasture and acted like they were not bothered by what was going on. 
I started feeding and had to chase a rooster out of the shop trying to torment the hens. I know I shouldn’t laugh, but the roosters always find them, so trying to hide does not do any good. 
I continued on. Ronnie was still working, so I knew I would be doing all the feeding. It’s relaxing to me and it gives me a chance to check every one over. 
      Mattie got tired of waiting on me to feed him, so he thought it might be a good idea to help the chickens eat their feed. I find that hysterical. Seeing a donkey eating the chicken feed with chickens around is something to see. I have not seen him do that before. 
     All went well until I got to feed the horses. Their feed trough was turned over and I could not reach it. I was not going to go after it since the horses were right by the fence and wanted to eat right then. They ended up eating off the ground which I hate, but what do you do? 
     Saverine refused to eat of the ground being Queen around here and all, so she took Chief’s feed. Chief took Jeb’s feed, so I held a bucket while Jeb ate. That doesn’t seem right, but I did not want him to not eat because we have a few bullies at the moment. I know things will calm down and they have, but there is an adjustment and we are still in the adjustment phase. 
     While I am holding the bucket for Jeb, the two cows, Alex and Jasper want his food. Luckily I have some padding on my behind because Jasper got me with a horn. Then I’m cornered by them, but I was still holding the bucket for Jeb, so I could not go anywhere anyway. Alex is a weird cow and likes to lick. So, while I am feeding Jeb and managing to not get another horn to my behind, Alex is kicking my jacket. He is a weird one. 
     I finally get to the pigs and I see some sheet metal has been taken off a building from the wind, but I have no idea where it came from. The wind did a number on that piece of metal. I do not think we can put it back from where ever it was. I was able to love on a couple of pigs and even got some piggy kisses from Gus. He is loveable when he wants to be. 
     By now the sun is going down and I have everyone fed and watered. The dirt in the air is still there, and it’s a little creepy, but the farm is peaceful and I was soaking that in. I love it here, even with the wind and the dirt that I do not love. 
     I watched the sheep running around in the wind which brings my heart joy. They were having such a great time, one of them actually jumped up and fell on his side. He got back up and was fine, but it sure was funny. They are the happiest animals here. 
     I was able to pet my rooster who is a favorite of mine. He did not like it too much and tonight was the first time he pecked me so hard I may have a bruise. It did not bother me though. There may not be too many people who can say they have a rooster who they can pet. 
     I am so blessed in this farm life. I know all the animals are thriving and even though there are usually a few hiccups most days, I am blessed. God has given me blessing after blessing throughout this life. 
     Word of the day is blessed. James 1:12. 

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