Wednesday, January 11, 2023

January 11

     Today was another windstorm and dust storm day. The air is nothing but dirt whipping around outside. I was not looking forward to feeding and watering tonight. It’s rough in the dirt and that wind could knock you over. 

     I got a surprise when I got home from work. Ronnie was home and things were almost done. I walked around checking on the animals and living on them. I also did my egg search but that was all I had to do tonight. That was nice for me. I’m exhausted for some reason this week. 
     I was able to pet on Noma for a bit. That makes my day. She still is not too sure about us but tonight she did not try to run this time. I did not pet on her long because I do not like to stress her out, but I want her to know it’s okay. We are not going to hurt her. 

     While I was trying to pet on Noma, Mattie was trying to get my attention while getting into the bucket I had in my hand. He was able to get the scoop out and he just held it in his mouth. He is one silly donkey. 

     I went into the sheep pen and Cracker Jack pen. I loved on Cracker Jack. He accepted my hugs so whatever was going on with him, he must be over it somewhat. 

     I watched Cracker Jack trying to interact with Mattie through the fence. That makes me sad but I also know Mattie is so much bigger than Cracker Jack and he plays too rough. 
Cracker Jack was injured, that’s why he was in the pen to begin with. I know he is missing Mattie and Noma but he is safe where he is. 

      The sheep were just funny. They were jumping on me and loving the attention. They always make me laugh. They just love everyone and everything. 

     I did watch Ted knock Onyx out of the way which was so funny. Onyx also was brave hanging out with Cracker Jack tonight. 

     I did get in the goat pen to get the eggs out of there. I have to crawl in and Cinderella was in there, terrified of course. Tinkerbelle was trying to eat my clothes while I was in there. 

     When I went inside Oreo was begging for attention which he does not normally do, so I was able to love on him for a bit.

     Maggie is starting to have more trouble with getting around and it breaks my heart to think about it. I want her to stay forever, but I know that cannot happen. She has been with me for thirteen years this year, I have to keep that in mind. It’s still hard. It’s hard watching her struggle, too. I know she will tell me when she is ready and I have a feeling it won’t be long. 

      Overall today was a good day and I believe compassion for these animals helps me to have compassion for others. I think God wants us to have compassion for those around us. 
      Word of the day is compassion. 1 John 3:17

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