Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 4

     This morning I went out to throw out some trash in the dumpster. I look over and watched the horses for a bit. They are so beautiful. They were all eating some hay. They are content in where they are for the time being. 

     I looked out the back window later in the day and I saw Mattie chasing Buckwheat and Waldo. I never know if he wants to harm them or if he wants to play with them. Buckwheat ran back into the pen and away from Mattie. Waldo was still being chased. Mattie finally cornered Waldo and Waldo was screaming for help. I was out there by then and was able to get Mattie away from Waldo and Waldo ran back into the pen. He looked relieved. Mattie looked upset that I took his friend away from him. 

     I had some old bread I needed to get rid of and gave it to the chickens. There were a bunch of chickens in with the fainting goats, so I threw some in there. The goats were fighting the chickens for bread. They act like they do not get fed enough but I know they do. 

     I went to check for eggs in the donkey and goat barn. I saw the animals not far from the barn. When they saw me, they all started walking toward me. I noticed Pedro was limping pretty bad. He was still trying to keep up with the others and was still fighting with Red. He is injured though so I may have to quarantine him for a bit until he heals. For now, I am watching him closely. Ronnie noticed it also, so he is watching, too. 

     Carlos and the cactus in his neck are gone. That’s a good thing. I made sure to check for that. I do not know how they get those things off, but they do it. 

     Yeller has a Lion Face. It’s so cute but he does look like a little lion. I hope his face never changes. He is adorable even while he is growing up. He has gotten so big lately.

     Athena and Yeller both have something wrong with their eyes. I am wondering if the chickens got to them or if they got in a fight. I will keep an eye on them. They do not seem too bothered by it but I can see something is going on there. 

     Athena is so funny. She was sliding around and playing in some hay earlier. She seemed to be enjoying herself. The sheep and Cracker Jack did not seem amused with her playing in their food. 

     Worming the sheep happened today. Those guys are stronger than they look. They put up a small fight but they did get wormed. Hopefully tomorrow everything else will get wormed. It’s time. I had noticed some diarrhea with one of the sheep, so I wanted to make sure to get them done first. 

     I saw Takua did not have his halter on anymore. I tried to get it off yesterday and I couldn’t get it off so I wondered if he got it off himself like Spots did. Ronnie later told me he got it off him earlier in the day.

     Pedro is injured but he was going to the pasture anyway with the other animals. It did talk him longer to get there but the goats would run back to check on him while he was walking with them. They are sweet animals. I wish Pedro had not gone out there, but he wanted to be with his friends. I get it. 

     There must have been some hen meeting in the goat shelter earlier. I was shocked to see them all in there as I was looking for eggs. I did not bother them and gave them some feed while I was in there. I wish they could talk and tell me what they are doing. 

     Later all the hens who were in the goat shelter were right by the gate with Tinkerbelle. I tried to open the gate to move the hens out but they backed up and did not want to leave so I left them there. I think they are hiding from a rooster.  

     After I came inside to sit down and have some dinner while Ronnie was back at work, I heard the dogs barking and looked outside. The little goats were back out and Mattie was in their pen eating their hay. When I went outside, all the goats ran back in there with Mattie. Mattie did not want to leave them. It took me a bit to get him out of there. I fixed the gate and went back inside. 

     Everyday is something new out here. There is not a dull moment on the farm. That’s okay, it keeps life interesting. I’m grateful for the blessing on the farm. 

     Word of the day is praise. Psalm 113:3

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