Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 30

Today has been a rough day for our Maggie. She has started having accidents. I know the end is coming and I’m heartbroken. I gave her a bath and loved on her this afternoon. I let her roam where she want to today outside. 

All the cats were home this evening. That never gets old for me. I love to see them all home and safe. 

It’s been a beautiful day. The dogs have been enjoying the lovely day. 

I hope we are wrong, but a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned Spots might be pregnant. The only time that could have happened is right after they got here. Ronnie said there was no way. Well, he mentioned yesterday he thought she might be pregnant. Oh gosh, here we go again. I guess we will see in the next couple of month. I hope we are both wrong. 

The pigs were all enjoying the cooler weather. They are just living life. 

I watched Maggie this evening. She was enjoying the wind on her face. She looked so peaceful.

Jeb was not slinging his food tonight. I wondered what was going on. Him and Chief were both unsettled while eating tonight. The only thing I could think of was the wind was bothering them. They would eat and then switch bowls and then go into the barn. They finally ate their food. 

The other animals were laying down in the wind relaxing. 

Word of the day is rough. Matthew 28:20

September 29

As I was making coffee, I was watching out the window. I saw one of the horses over by the fence at the back of the property. I watched Jeb running across the pasture. I could not figure out what was happening. I finally saw there was a cow back there, not one of ours. I looked over and our cows were watching what was happening. 

I had not seen Yeller in a few days. I was starting to worry, but he was home tonight. The rest of the cats were home tonight, too. It sure made me happy. 

I was late again, so that was all I got to see today. It’s been a rough week. 

Word of the day is protection. Isaiah 54:17

September 28

I had an interesting thing happen on a home health visit. One of the patient’s dogs had a porcupine needle in her face. I was able to help her get it out. I have never done that before. It was interesting. The dog felt better after that. 

The donkeys and goats are loving the green grass and the cooler weather. They were all about being loved on today. They really are entertaining. 

The sheep that is escaping is Ted. He was able to get out again. Once they know how to get out, they will continue to get out. He only left his pen for feeding time. Ronnie had to put up more fencing to keep him in. 
The other animals are all doing fine. I was really late from work today and Ronnie had finished the feeding and watering. I was grateful for that. 

Word of the day is escaping. Luke 21:36

Friday, September 29, 2023

September 27

I was making coffee and looking out the window. I watched one of the young roosters eating the leftover dog food. 

I saw Fred with his ladies today. He is such a good rooster protecting his ladies. 

Well, one of the sheep got out tonight. I have no idea what he was thinking. The fencing has always been the same, but he figured out how to get under it. He went right back in with some feed, but now he knows how to get out. 

I haven’t seen Yeller in a couple of days. I hope he is okay. The rest of the cats were home. 

While we were putting hay bales out, the dogs figured out how to get out of the backyard and were waiting on the back steps for us. Pepper could not get up on her own so when I saw her, I went over and got her up. She was able to get back to the back steps. I just hate it. 

The animals were happy about the new hay bales. They usually are though. 

It was a beautiful evening. 

Today was a rough day today. I have not had a day like that ever. I was glad Ursula was wanting to cuddle with me. 

Word of the day is rough. Psalm 9:9

September 26

The baby chicks are all grown up and most of them stick together most of the time. They are something to watch. That make me laugh. 

Maggie is not feeling that great lately. We did a phot shoot today. I don’t know how much longer I have with this baby.

Lucky took a play out of Hercules’ book and decided to eat the the chicken feed. Lester helped him. 

There is green grass again and the donkeys and goats are happy about it. It sure does make things look prettier, too. 

Athena was hiding in the grass. Daisy and Sonny were walking by her and she did not move. That was funny to watch. 

Chloe is still going nuts. She is squawking away sitting on the fence. I mean if she would be quiet, she probably wouldn’t be seen as much. 

Jasper and Alex are still inseparable. Jasper seems to feel better but Alex will not leave his side. It’s sweet to see. 

Willow is not mad at us anymore. She is back to normal with being lovey and wanting attention. I loved on her for sure. I’m glad she is not mad anymore. 

Willow was loving on Mattie through the fence today. They are cute. 

Jeb is still slinging food out of his bowl. I still don’t understand that. 

Chloe was over in the pasture eating ants. I have never watched them eat ants. It was an interesting sight. 

Ronnie got out the fly spray. The animals hate that. We tricked them with treats for the most part but they were not happy about the spray. They did get sprayed though. 

Jasper was feeling good enough to chase me around the pasture for more treats. I laughed so hard at him, after I was safe and away from him. He got plenty of treats though. 

The sheep and goats all got treats also. They love them, too. 

Jelly was in his spot tonight. I am happy to see him home.

Word of the day is kindness. 1 Samuel 20:14