Saturday, March 2, 2024


It was a nice relaxing Sunday. I got a couple of projects completed this weekend so that was good. Oreo and Bubba were relaxing with me. 

The wind was blowing today. The cats were mostly in the shop. I cannot say I blame them. 

The horses are working on eating the green grass. 

The dogs and cats were all hanging out in the backyard and being civil. That’s always a nice thing to see. 

Jasper is starting to get another abscess. That’s not good. He is still mad at us from the last time. 

The goats were sure picking fights together. They do that when the weather is changing. 

Those donkeys love being out in the pasture. It’s one of my favorite things to see out here. 

Jelly’s wound is almost healed up. I know he was mad at me about spraying him with antiseptic spray, but it looks like it helped him. 

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