Wednesday, March 6, 2024


I went out to check on Onyx this morning thinking she would still be in the shop. Nope. She was under the deck and all the other cats were around her. She is in pain and not feeling well, but she is hanging in there. 

The horses were all grazing on the grass instead of the hay. I’m not surprised since the grass is green. There just is not much of it. 

The first thing I did when I got home was to find Onyx. She was in the shop. She was relaxed. She is definitely hurting though. She did get out of the shop and found a comfortable spot to lay in. I even caught her elevating her foot. She does seem to be eating and drinking, so maybe she will be okay. She may need a vet visit. 

The pasture goats were up toward the barn when I fed the chickens, so of course they ate with the chickens. It’s funny when they do that. 

Jasper will need a vet visit. He is looking miserable these days, but it does not seem to slow him down with eating and drinking. 

It was in the 70s today. I thought it was too cold for the horses to want to be sprayed, but Saverine was all in the water trough and getting a hold of the hose to be sprayed. That girl is something else. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture in the sunset and I sure do love to see that. 

The goats were out in the pasture enjoying green grass tonight also. I am glad they are enjoying that. 

Athena was trying to get in the house and had her cute little paws through the door. It was cute. 

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