Wednesday, March 27, 2024


The sunrise was pretty this morning. Chief being out in the sunrise made it that much better. I also saw the full moon still up in the sky. 

It was looking like it might rain when I got home. It had been sprinkling in areas where I was today. The wind was blowing like crazy. The horses were out there like it was nothing.

Bubba somehow got his tail in the scentsy wax. That scentsy has been in the same stop for 3 years and in the span of a couple of weeks, bubba and Oreo have gotten into the wax. 

Willow and Noma are still doing well with Mattie out of the pen. That’s a big win. 

Yeller got some petting today. He really is such a sweet cat. He likes the attention he gets. 

I do like to see all the faces out here on the farm. I was late getting home and Ronnie was, too, so they were not real happy about it. They were fine once they got fed. 

It is really good to see Mattie reunited with his family. They all seem happy about Mattie being out. I think the biggest thing is Mattie and Willow will play and Noma doesn’t have to play anymore. She seems good with that. 

The clouds were wild tonight. 

Jeb is doing well with the different trough. He cannot sling his head in this one. 

The pigs had no complaints either. They are doing well. 

I came in and decided to cut off the scentsy wax from Bubba’s tail. Somehow I cut the tip off his tail. Talk about feeling bad. I feel horrible. I did doctor it and stopped cutting the wax off. There is still wax on his tail and he is not happy with me at all. I don’t blame him. I’m not happy about it either, but I know he will be okay. I also know mistakes happen and he will eventually forgive me. 

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