Friday, March 8, 2024


Onyx was laying up by the house in the hay. She looked a little better. I’m still concerned about her. 

All the cats were at home and eating when I went to feed. That’s always a good thing. Onyx was looking better. Still limping and looks like she is in pain. 

It rained a little today and Noma was mad about it when I got home. She let me know she was in a mood for sure. Willow was getting on her nerves too and she is still trying to wean her so there’s that. 

Jeb has been a jerk lately. Could just be him or the weather changing. I don’t know. What I do know is none of the other horses want to be around him. 

Mattie was throwing a fit about not getting fed first and dumped out his water bowl…again. He can be such a brat. 

Athena was hanging out with the goats for a while. 

The sheep still had hay left which is almost unheard of, but they did. Both of them were enjoying it after their dinner. 

Onyx let me spray her wounds again. She was not happy about it, but she did let me. 

Jeb was going to try to eat with the other horses. It took a lot of yelling but he reluctantly went on back to his bowl. 

The dogs were enjoying being outside tonight. It was still warm out. They don’t always like to be outside. 

Alex knows Jasper is not feeling well and was trying to comfort him. It was a sweet thing to see. 

Onyx let me love on her for a long time. Yeller and Jelly got jealous, so I had to love on them, too. 

The sunset was beautiful tonight. 

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