Friday, March 22, 2024


I finally got to see Chloe running around the horses. It was good to see her in the daylight doing what she likes to do. 

Isabella somehow got locked in a crate laying an egg. She was upset. I let her out and she ran out of there as fast as she could. 

It was a weird evening. I went over to the donkey barn to look for eggs and all the donkeys were in the barn with the goats during the day. That is not normal. I think I figured out Pete had a part of a cactus on his nose. I do wonder if they were all in there because of that. It does not make much sense, but it is a thought. 

I did not feed the little goats in the order they are normally fed and they were not happy about it. They did get over it as soon as they got their food though. 

Ronnie brought out the apples to try to get Pete to come close to get the cactus off his nose. Pete was too smart for that. Every time Ronnie got close to Pete with the pliers to get the cactus, but Pete was not having it. The donkeys and goats all got some apples though. I know the apples were a big hit. If you don’t know, Goats don’t have top teeth. The donkeys will bite into the apples and the goats will get what they drop. They are all happy with the arrangement. 

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