Sunday, March 31, 2024


Maggie was confused today for sure. If you lead her to where she needs to go, she has no problem, but she likes to follow the other dogs and they lead her to other areas. 

It looked like Hercules was laying down out in the pasture while the other goats and donkeys were grazing in the pasture. He was in the middle of them. It was an interesting thing to see. He was tired and just needed to rest. He got back up a little while later. 

Suzie Q was acting a bit off today. She was staying back away from the other chickens. I will start watching her closer to make sure she is okay. 

Melody, Ann, and Ernestine were all in the shop laying eggs today. Snowflake was there, too, but stayed in the crate. Melody, Ann, and Ernestine were given a cracked egg. They fought over that and ran around the shop. It was entertaining to watch. 

I watched Lester up on the hay bales looking down at Sonny. It looked like he was hiding from Sonny. 

It’s still nice to see Mattie out of the pen. He is happy and Willow and Noma seem that way also. 

The cows were minding their own business tonight which is a rare occurrence. 

Saverine was over at the mineral when I was bringing their food. I actually called her name and she came. I was shocked, but it really made me happy to see her coming while I was calling her name. 

Noma is getting brave with eating with the cows. I’m a little nervous for her getting that close to the horns. 

It was a nice day. Onyx and Yeller were enjoying the nice weather and napping like cats do. 

It is Good Friday for 2024. I usually mention the donkeys and their crosses. All of our donkeys have a cross, except maybe Ned. Jesus blessed the donkey with the cross. 

Noma let me pet her today, without food!! That’s a huge deal. Mattie and Willow got some petting also. They get jealous. 
The sheep were having some issues with their breathing, so I cleaned their noses good for them. They did seem better after that. It has been really dusty lately. 

I caught Snowflake out of the crate. She saw me and ran right back in. She does not want out of there. I will not bother her again. She leaves when she wants to. 

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