Friday, March 8, 2024


That cold front is here now. It dropped about 10 degrees during the day. It was cold this evening. The wind was sure blowing. It was cold. 
The horses needed a bale of hay. They were eating up the grass that is sprouting up. 

Lester always waits by the fence for me so he can get some food. He is bullied by the other roosters, but he remains docile and not wanting to fight. 

There are just chickens everywhere. 

Onyx is looking much better. She is still limping, but she is trying to put that leg down now. That’s progress. 

The sheep were running around in the cold. It was funny to watch. 

With the weather changes, the sheep and the goats did not eat all their food this morning and this afternoon. The little goats would hide out of the wind and then run and eat and then hide again. 

Jeb was wound up for sure with the cold weather. He was chasing Saverine. I hate when he does that. 

Mattie actually did not eat all his food either. I’m sure it is with the weather changes. At least that’s what I’m hoping. 

I noticed a bunch of wild birds eating the rest of the chicken feed. They have to eat, too. 

Jeb did something super weird tonight. He was chasing Saverine and then he started eating. Then he laid down and rolled around. He got back up and started walking backward and pawing and then he went and laid down and rolled around in the barn. I called Ronnie. I thought Jeb had colic. As soon as I got off the phone, Jeb got up and went back to eating. We watched him for a bit, but he was fine. 

Ronnie took the horses a new bale of hay. They were appreciative. 

I had been thinking about Chloe the chicken and the fact that I had not seen her in a few days. I even checked tonight to see if she was roosting in her spot. She wasn’t. When Ronnie came back around from taking the hay, he asked if I knew there was a chicken roosting in the tree in the horse pasture. He even took a picture and sure enough, it is Chloe. I’m glad she is not sitting on eggs. 

What a weird night. 

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