Tuesday, March 26, 2024


It looks like a cold front might be coming through. The clouds are outrageous. 

Tinkerbelle was starting to look dehydrated. Ronnie cleaned out the water trough. She has been wormed. I wonder if the up and down weather is doing it to her. 

Mattie is doing great out of the pen. I’m so happy. He is happier than I am. He is loving life. 

Ronnie was messing with a horse feed trough and those horses would not take their eyes off him. Jeb does like his feed trough, when Chief lets him use it. 

Mattie is still not letting the cows bully them. It’s quite hilarious to see. 

Maggie was loving the sun on her face. I look over and Athena and Onyx are right there with her. How sweet is that. 

I caught Ann the chicken sitting on some eggs. I got her off of there and she screamed at me for a good few minutes. She was sitting on 7 eggs. I do not need anymore chickens. 

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