Saturday, March 2, 2024


Oden did take over Fred’s hens. I am not sure how that happened and how Fred just allowed it to happen. They all still seem happy though. There is no fighting or anything. 

I opened the shop doors to feed and Melody ran right back in. She was grateful to be back in her shop. 

Maggie insists on getting under the porch even though she has a hard time getting out of there. Ronnie had to come home and get her out of there. It’s like she cannot hear my voice but she can hear Ronnie. She came out of there for him. 

Yeller found a spot to not be bothered in and he was happy about it. 

Noma and Willow let me pet them both today. I guess Noma liked me today. She doesn’t always. 

Pepper was also under the porch and could not find her way out. Ronnie had to get her out of there also. Athena was under the porch checking on the dogs. 

Mattie threw a huge fit about not being fed in the correct order. He will get over it. I went into the pen to give him some extra love. 

Spots and Saverine let me love on them a bit tonight. They are good girls. 

Yeller and Jelly decided to hang out in the shop today. It was a windy day with the cold front coming in the next couple of days. 

The grass is turning green already. It’s pretty to look at. 

Takua decided to eat with Jeb today and Jeb let him. 

Willow is still antagonizing the pigs on purpose. That’s funny to me for some reason. 

I accidentally cracked an egg while putting them in the basket so I let the coop chickens have it. 

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