Thursday, March 21, 2024


 This morning was something else. Ronnie got me up early in the morning to get Jasper into the trailer to go to the vet. I went outside and the wind was so cold, and the temperature had dropped drastically from the day before. I did not like that. My jacket was not big enough. I had to go get another one. As I went outside, the cats were begging for food, so I went in the shop to feed them. The roosters were crowing in the tree. Ronnie was getting food for Jasper, and I was getting the treats. Ronnie and I figured out quickly that chasing a cow in the dark was not the way to go. Once the sun came up, I was mad. Maybe not really mad, but I was cold and tired. I came out of that house ready to fight with a cow. Ronnie and I spread out and pushed him closer to the trailer. He jumped in there pretty quickly. Jasper was automatically stressed out and upset. Alex was not happy either. Those two were mooing back and forth at each other. Alex was trying to stay behind the trailer where Jasper was. It does not matter how many times I see them do that; it breaks my heart. Now, here is the ironic part. I was absolutely sure Jasper had another abscess in the same area he had the last one. The vet basically said he did not have an abscess; he had gained weight and some of the weight was in his neck where the scar tissue was. I guess at least we know now. All the donkeys and the goats were watching the whole thing. The horses could not have cared less about the chaos with Jasper. 

When I got home, I noticed Onyx had to be healed since she was up in the tree. She had to have climbed up there, so she is definitely better. 

Jasper got home and Alex was right there to greet him. Jasper jumped out of the trailer and was mad about the entire visit. 

I had been looking for Chloe. I did not know where she was except that she had to be over in the horse pasture still. Tonight I looked over and Chloe was running with a bunch of black birds. I could not believe my eyes. 

Ronnie had put out the wheat bale of hay in the pasture. The donkeys will not even eat that. It is the same bale the cows moved out of their way to say they would not eat that. I wonder what is wrong with that bale of hay. 

Bubba is starting to hide more and be off by himself. I know those are not good signs. I try not to think about it and dwell on it, but I know what is coming. 

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