Monday, March 25, 2024


It was a little chilly today. The wind was blowing and the temps were down in the 70s. Ronnie and I had some help on the farm today. I love that. It’s so great. 
Jeb was laying down again. Sometimes I wonder what people driving by think about that horse. He is something else. 

We wormed goats, sheep, cows, and 2 donkeys. That’s some work right there. We had to wrangle the goats and the sheep. We sprayed the rest of them. They are not cooperative at all. There are still a few more animals to do next week. 

The horses were enjoying some green grass and cool weather. 

It looks like Snowflake does leave the shop when she wants to. I was glad to see that. Seeing her out and about made me happy. Of course she went right back in. 

We decided to let Mattie out of the pen. That task has been put off for a long time. I haven’t been sure where to put him. I was afraid he would get hurt in the pasture with the other donkeys and I have been afraid Mattie would hurt Willow if he stayed in the pasture with her. It was time for him to get out of there. He was starting to show signs of depression and I didn’t want that to continue. Ronnie and I neither one knew how things were going to go and we were both extremely nervous. Mattie came out and was just so happy to be out. He bumped noses with Willow and started running around like crazy. He did great the rest of the day with Willow, Noma, and the cows. I’m so grateful for that. He is happy and so are the rest of them. 

Spring is here. The irises are blooming. They are so pretty. 

Ned gave my friend a smile. She had never seen them up close and was able to pet them. 

The donkeys and the goats were all walking in a line. That always makes me think, follow the leader. 

The horses got a new mineral block today and they were fighting over it. 

The pig pens were cleaned out. Darla needed to be petted with the rake. The pigs were happy about the clean pen. 

Willow decided she wanted to carry the food bowl around. It’s not like she doesn’t have food and water. Silly donkey. 

Chloe is still over in the horse pasture. I guess she is going to stay there. 

Lester is the most docile rooster. He literally stays to himself. I want to cuddle him and hug him but that’s a big nope. 

Jeb got a new feed trough, but Chief stole it so Jeb was eating in Chief’s bowl. He does not do the head slinging in that bowl. That is so weird. 

Mattie is not letting the cows bully Noma and Willow anymore. That’s unexpected!! 

Jelly is still hiding in tall grass, but he is sure relaxed in that tall grass. I almost missed him. 

Onyx and Daisy were just chilling on the back porch tonight. No one can tell me dogs and cats don’t get along. 

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