Sunday, March 31, 2024


It’s Saturday and let me tell you what, now that my friend is coming on Saturday we get a lot done. When I woke up this morning though, I was a little unsure of how much we could get done. I was so exhausted I could not get myself together. I worked more this past week than I have in a while, so exhaustion set in. Once I get that tired, it’s hard for me to get things done. I am beyond grateful for my friend. She put the motivation in. We did the second round of wormer for the fainting goats, the little goats, and the sheep. We improvised a little with making treat sandwiches with wormer in the middle. I know that’s not how it is supposed to be done, but I did not have the energy to chase them. I only got bit once. That was unexpected, but being tired makes your brain not work well. 

After that, we gave some attention to Noma, Willow, and Mattie. I notice Noma has a cut across her neck. My first thought was Mattie was playing too rough. I then remembered the cows, it could have been a horn. She seems fine, but I will need to watch her. 

We cleaned out the pig pens. Darla and Gus like the attention. The rest of them do not. Pork chop is still looking rough for some reason, but I think he is shedding and has dry skin. He doesn’t act like anything is wrong with him. 

We then got the backyard cleaned up. Then we helped unload feed from the truck when Ronnie got back. 
I was over it after that. At least I thought I was. The donkeys and the goats came to the fence, so they have been wormed also. 

Yeller got scared since there was a new person I the shop and I was scratched, but that’s okay. I will heal. 

We had lunch after that. The day was finished. I just could not do anymore. I took a 3 1/2 hour nap after that. I never do that. I needed it though. 
Ronnie and I went to feed later and he kept seeing these tracks that he could not figure out. He finally realized it was Mattie’s lead rope. We have to get that off of him, but it’s stuck, so Ronnie will have to find a tool or something to get it off. 

Later I saw Willow out in the pasture and she looked exactly how I had been feeling. 

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