Saturday, March 2, 2024


I came home early today. This time, the horses were not laying down, but the donkeys were. They don’t usually lay down like that, so it concerned me for a minute. Pedro got up, but Ned was not getting. I even went out to see if me being out there would get him up. Nope. Jelly followed me out in the pasture and Red started chasing the cat. That got Ned’s attention and got him up. I think he was just enjoying the sun is all he was doing. He was fine. The whole crew was at the back of the property later in the day. 

All the dogs were standing up to eat. That almost never happens. 

Mattie looked guilty that I had to clean out all his hay out of his water. I was laughing at him. 

Noma is about due for another trim, we are working on getting her feet as normal as possible and it is a huge process. I actually saw her chewing on her hooves. 

The backyard must be the party place. The chickens, cats and dogs were all hanging out back there. 

Ronnie has the authoritative tone with the animals. Jeb stopped slinging his head when Ronnie told him no. 

The sheep were excited to get some attention tonight. They are just so happy. 

Jelly and Athena were hanging out in the old garden spot. They looked so relaxed. 

I guess Onyx had a new spot on top of the house. Good grief. 

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