Thursday, March 21, 2024


Onyx is looking much better. She is up moving around and acting more like herself. She is still hiding a little in the grass to continue to heal. 

Let me tell you, I have had the experience of a lifetime. I may not always make the best decisions, keep that in mind with this story. I was concerned about Snowflake in the crate. It was a warmer day and I have seen chickens in the shop overheat. I do realize it was not hot enough for her to overheat, but it will not be long, so I wanted her to find another place. I am overly prepared most of the time. I am not good with waiting until the last minute. I pulled Snowflake out of the crate. She was already mad about that. She sat on my hand for a minute yelling at me. I put her down outside of the shop. Oh, she was mad. She went back and forth in front of the shop squawking at me to open the door. I did not open the door. She finally went on about her way, so I thought. She did go over and eat some of the chicken feed. I then saw Cinderella chasing Snowflake around the pen while she was trying to get back into the shop. The next thing I know, I saw Snowflake coming back through the small opening in the back of the shop. It did not take her 5 minutes to get back to the back of the shop. I saw her peek her head in and look around. She came through the opening, then she spotted me and ran back out. This went on back and forth for several minutes. I decided I needed to get back to feeding. When I finished with that, I went back and moved her out of the crate again. This time, she was attacking me. I have the bruises to prove it. This time it only took her 3 minutes to get back into the shop. I figured after all of that, she deserved to be able to stay in the shop, but she was one mad hen. 

The donkeys and goats came in close to the barn today to eat the chicken feed. It is funny watching all of them together.

I did get a good look at Onyx's foot, it is started to heal and looking much better. I am glad about that. 

I had another chicken sitting on eggs today and she let me love on her and pet on her. She was not happy about me taking her eggs, but she let me pet her. That is rare. 

It was a pretty evening. The horses were watching the cows eat.


Willow and Noma let the chickens eat with them again tonight. That was nice of them. 

Snowflake was on guard the rest of the night. Athena was enjoying her food and Snowflake was watching her closely. Snowflake did give me the evil eye though. 

The sheep were surrounded by the chickens tonight. That is not uncommon. The sheep also wanted some head scratching tonight. They really are some sweet animals. 

Onyx decided to get under the porch with Bella and it was like Daisy was standing watch. These animals make me laugh. 

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