Friday, March 22, 2024


A couple of chickens have taken a page from Chloe. They were over hanging with the horses. Of course they didn’t stay there like Chloe does. 

The donkeys are eating the hay bale out in the pasture. I’m glad they are eating it. 

Daisy made a huge mess with the pine shavings in the backyard. There is not a good way to clean that up. Maggie was taking advantage of it and lying in the pine shavings. 

The cows got a new hay bale tonight. They were so happy they were dancing. They crack me up. 

Onyx was up on the hay bales. That girl loves high places. I don’t know why. 

I let Snowflake out one more time to see if she would stay out of the shop, but she didn’t. 

The donkeys and goats came in from the pasture this evening. 

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