Thursday, March 21, 2024


I was another rainy and cold day today. Ronnie and I both stayed inside most of the day. I noticed something weird with Oreo. I looked at him and he had this white ring around his neck. I could not figure out what I was seeing. Then I decided to touch it to see what it was. I figured out quickly it was wax from a Scentsy. In all the years I have had warmers around the house and had Oreo at the same time, that has never happened. I did have to cut the fur off that had wax in it. Oreo was actually cooperative with his hair cut. I was shocked, but happy I did not have to fight with him. 

The animals were all laying around outside due to the weather. They like to be lazy like us with the crazy weather. Willow was laying beside Mattie's pen. The cows were out in the open like they always do. 

I watched Maggie go to visit Persia's gravesite tonight. I had not seen her do that before. 

Willow was trying to get Waldo, Buckwheat, and Porky's food. That makes me laugh. 

Ronnie and I helped me worm the pigs tonight. Let me say this, it is so much easier now that Gus and Darla are separated. I was able to give Gus, Treat, and Spam their wormer outside of the fence. That was the easiest it has ever been. Bacon Bit had been refusing treats and wormer since we moved from Arkansas because of Gus, but she was happy about getting her pumpkin walnut wormer. All the other pigs in that pen were happy and willing to take their meds. I am glad to get it done. That is the most cooperative they have been since moving to Texas. 

Ronnie put out a new hay bale for the horses tonight. They were happy about that. Of course they had to be right up on him. 

I wanted Ronnie to find Chloe while he was over in the horse pasture. He did not see her, but I could see her over in the neighbor's pasture making her a spot for the night or for eggs or something. I was glad to see her. 

I learned tonight that Ted has a disorder at this moment. I caught him eating wool off of Bill's back. That is a mineral deficiency. Ronnie will be getting minerals for them tomorrow. What a weird thing to see. At least I know what is happening. 

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