Monday, March 4, 2024


Oreo and Ursula found a play mouse and they were sure having a good day playing with it. They are so cute with that. 

Those little goats are just being so playful these days. They were running back and forth like crazy. 

I’m not sure what startled Tinkerbelle but she fainted this evening. I still do not find that funny. 

It was a nice evening for sure. The donkeys looked so pretty out in the pasture. 

The cows got a new hay bale and they were excited about it.

I walked in the back yard to check some water. I saw Onyx laying there and she did not look like she was alive. I walked closer and she opened her eyes to look at me but she would not move. As I went closer, I noticed her foot was cut. I took her in and put some antiseptic spray on her foot. Athena had to come check on her. She looks miserable. I put her in the shop where she may be more protected. The dogs did not bother her at all, but I don’t know what is out there in the middle of the night. I really hope she will be okay. She must be hurting. It hurts my heart. This is the third cat in the last few months. I wish I knew what was happening to them. 

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