Monday, March 4, 2024


It was a beautiful day outside today. I didn’t do much outside today though since I had other things to do. 

The chickens were running at me for food today. That could be terrifying but it makes me laugh. 

When I went outside, all I could hear were bees. I think spring is already here. I found the source of the bees and they were all in the tree with the little sprouts starting on it. 

Mattie wanted some attention and I gave him some. He let me rub on his ears. I didn’t realize that a donkey’s ears were so sensitive and they only let you pet them if they trust you. Looks like Mattie trusts me. 

Those cows just feel like they have to take everyone’s food or they are going to starve. That’s just silly around here. 

Porky was laying down after fighting with the other two. He must have been exhausted. They have been playing a lot with the weather change. 

The pigs were all happy about getting to eat. They act like we aren’t going to feed them. 

The animals are all doing well. 

It really was a beautiful evening. 

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