Monday, March 11, 2024


Onyx was up and about this morning, so that’s a good thing. She is continuing to get better. 

The time change sure is something. The sun was pretty this morning. 

Onyx was still doing well when I got home this afternoon. 
The animals were enjoying the weather. 

Maggie sure hates the wind and the wind was blowing today. She will tolerate it, but not for long. 

Esmerelda scared Athena this evening. It was funny to watch.

I got to love on Yeller. He is such a sweet boy. 

Waldo was dumping out the old feed. That was hilarious. 

I attempted throw the feed to the horses like Ronnie does, but I missed the mark. Most of it went into the trough. That is a win for me. 

Alex was trying to take Mattie’s hay. They do that often. 

The pigs are already starting their mud holes. I would say it’s too early, but it’s supposed to be close to 90 tomorrow. 

I watched the donkeys and goats out in the pasture. I started to think something was wrong with Pete. He was just standing there. He stood there long enough Pedro went over and knocked into him to make him move. He moved a little, but not much. I started to walk out there, but he looked fine. He was just enjoying where he was, at least I hope so. The other donkeys and goats were all around him. 

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