Monday, March 11, 2024


Jasper is not feeling well or he is still mad enough at us to not take a treat from me. He eats all his food, so why would he not take a treat? He will be going to the vet this week. 

Ronnie and I wormed Mattie today. He was not happy, so he got a little bit of a treat. He might have been happy about that. 

Suzie Q and her crew decided to hang out in a different pasture today. I don’t see that too often anymore. It did happen today though. 

Noma and Willow are still close and never far a part. They sure are cute. 

Yeller and the chickens were over in the garden area this evening. I had to run over and take some pictures. Yeller was in a planter and so was one of the chickens. It looked like we were growing cats and chickens. It made me laugh anyway. 

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