Sunday, July 21, 2024


It was another hot day. Ronnie was able to go out and spray the horses down to cool them off. They do love that. 

Hercules was trying to eat the chicken feed. He makes me laugh. 

Carlos is my little unicorn goat. He only has one horn growing. I have no idea how that happened, but there is only one horn. 

Yeller was relaxing in some tall grass this evening trying to stay cool. I know they get hot out there. 

Did you know chickens dig around in the dirt until the ground cools off and then they sit it the dirt to cool off? It’s pretty interesting to watch them. 

The pigs are using their mud hole a lot because of the heat. Ronnie and I make sure to keep those mud holes full for them. I know they don’t care for the heat, but they are doing well regardless. 

The donkey were in the back pasture trying to stay cool this evening. 

The horses looked so beautiful out in the pasture. 

Maggie got herself out of the backyard and went over the entire front of the house over to the other gate to the backyard. She sat at that gate until Ronnie let her in. The dogs stuck together after that. 

The cats were hanging out in the garden area tonight trying to keep my attention as I watered the garden. 

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