Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I drove home today so I could rest a day before going back to work. It was needed. I was exhausted after the trip. It was good to be gone, but it is good to be home.

All the baby chicks have made it this far. That’s a good thing. I never know with chicks if they are going to make it or not. 

Pedro is still having trouble with his ears. Hopefully his ears get better soon. 

It is one hot day outside today.  I got to see the donkeys and goats. Hercules was trying to escape. The animals are handling the heat better this year. 

The sheep were mad since they were fed in a different order. Those animals are definitely not dumb.

I got to love on Jeb. He decided to eat out of Chief’s bowl and Chief ate out of Jeb’s trough. Jeb tried to switch back, but Chief refused. It was quite the scene. 

The donkeys were hanging out under the tree later to stay as cool as possible. 

Yeller, Luna, and Onyx seemed to be staying cool under the porch together. That is not something most people see everyday. I did later see Luna with her chicks. 

It looked like it might rain, but it was a false alarm. 

Oreo and Ursula did not leave my side much since I got home. They must have missed me. 

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