Saturday, July 27, 2024


As I sitting at my desk this morning, I felt another earthquake. I texted Ronnie and he felt it 45 minutes away. This is crazy.

Ronnie brought me home some flowers this evening. It sure was nice of him. He does that quite often. I am grateful. 

It is hot outside today. Those shop chickens refuse to leave the shop. I wish they would, but they seem to know what they are doing. 

I had not been home to do any feeding this week. Ronnie did all of those things this week. The eggs were not gathered. There were so many eggs. They were all over the place. 

Our 3 cats do not leave the property. They all followed me into the shop to eat while we were feeding the rest of the animals. 

Spam, Gus, and Treat were taking advantage of the sunshade. They are under that most of the day to keep the sun off of them. Those sunshades are such a good thing to have. 

The donkeys were all at the back of the pasture just living life. 

Carlos was hanging out under the shade of the barn. He is a smart one. The other goats were out eating the chicken feed. 

Pepper was hanging out in the grass and in the sun. She is such a pretty dog. She is seeming like she is doing better. I do not know how that is possible. Her wound on her leg healed up. She is getting up more on her own. I cannot explain what is happening with her. 

Maggie is holding her own also. Again, I do not know what is going on. It is so weird. 

The horses were waiting not so patiently for food. That is not an uncommon occurrence. 

The cows and donkeys were getting along eating together. 

Mattie and Willow ate together with the sheep watching them. Those sheep eat fast. 
We are still separating food in the little goat pen and it continues to work out well. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella were waiting for their food. They were ready for it. 

The chickens stay in one spot in a breezeway. They stay cooler in that one spot. I cannot say I blame them for staying there. 

Ronnie had to go into the horse pasture to get the feed trough that the horses will not leave in the spot it goes. He was not too thrilled about it, but it got done. That happens almost every day. As long as the horses eat, I do not worry about it. 

Willow put herself in the pen. The gate was opened, but she was in there. I do not know what she was looking for. She is such a blessing around here. She makes me laugh. Her wounds are looking better. They are not healed yet, but they are better. 

The dogs were hot and ready to come inside after they ate. They usually have to wait on us to get finished feeding. 

Ronnie got some mineral blocks for a couple of the goats. Cinderella got right to it. Tinkerbelle did get over there not long after. 

I went over to check on the pigs. I had not seen them up close all week it felt like. They are all doing fine. 

Yeller and Onyx were sleeping on the porch. It was so cute.

I did get so see all 4 chicks. I do not see them often. 

Waldo was sleeping in the feed trough. It always makes me giggle. 

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