Tuesday, July 2, 2024


It was another hot one with triple digits. Oh it’s miserable. It will be okay, there should be a dip in the temps next week. Not much, but a little. 
I was feeling pretty low this morning because of Bubba. I’m just sad. I know it was time. I’m glad he is not suffering, but it does still hurt my heart. As I walked outside to get in my car, I saw a couple of butterflies fluttering together and it made me think of Bubba and Persia. I hope they were reunited. Some people may not believe in that, but I do. 

When I got to work, I saw a fox outside. It was pretty neat to see one. 

When I got home, I noticed Pepper has a problem. A few days ago she had a small fatty like tissue on her back leg. I started putting some hot spot stuff on it, but seeing it today, it not a hot spot. It looks like a tumor and she has torn the skin off. It’s awful. Ronnie put some wound coat on it and peroxide. We tried to wrap it, but it’s not possible with the location of the wound. I guess it’s back to the vet we go. The wound looks bad. I’m afraid of what the vet will say on this one. 

We had some visitors again today helping out. It was nice to have some more help today. It was hot though. 

I went in the house to get something. Maggie was not going to be left outside. She followed me from the backyard and into the shop right to the house. She is a sneaky little thing. 

The pigs were happy today. Their mud holes were full and that makes them happy. 

The sheep were looking for trouble it seemed like today. There is not much trouble for them to get into though. They were trying to eat things they were not supposed to. 

Oh, I’m not ready for Pepper to have a problem, but she has been declining the last few years. The dogs were all laid out enjoying being in the house. I cannot blame them. 

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